Dog and Cat

Friday, March 27, 2009

Do dogs get boogers....?

my random question 4 the day(:

i see my dog blowing out her nose sometimes so i wonder if they get boogers

Yep, I see them in my dog's nose sometimes. I think they don't occur as often in dogs because of how wet their noses are... but, yeah. Lol, funny question. -Lola P.

dogs do get boogers, because they sneeze quite a bit, due to facial expressions, especially when they are pleased to meet you, and so they get a kind of mucus in the nostril, and this turns to boogers.

i've noticed sometimes my dogs nose run but they haven't ever had a booger par-say.

Oh! i have always wondered that and I have found my answer! Thank you for asking!

I would imagine so.

Yep. And snot, too.

Quit wasting your points. Why not read and learn


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