Dog and Cat

Friday, March 13, 2009

Every time a kitten walks by her she scratches them and heeesssesesss at them every single time?

Mother cats do this as a way to let the kittens know that this is my territory so move on, get out of here and / or when they are weaning them. Cats are territorial, some more than others. They will defend their territory even against their own kittens. Wait a few days or so if she is weaning them the scratching will pass and you will have one big happy family and if you don't get them fixed, it will keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Kittens quickly get mature enough to mate and they will mate with their mother if the opportunity presents itself.

Kitten is scared, and she not be comfort and hold, and pay attention with a brushing...

The kittie walks by who? Perhaps you are confusing play with kittie terrorism.

Walks by who, Your Mother in-law this would be acceptable behavior LOL

Cats are pointless & wack..get a dog (preferably a rottweiler!)


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Cat and Dog