Dog and Cat

Friday, March 13, 2009

Guinea pigs and air conditioning...?

I'm wondering if air conditioning can affect guinea pigs? I had a guinea pig that's cage was kept in a living room and the A/C was about...20 feet or more away and not directly facing the cage at all. It got sick and died, but it could have also had respiratory problems from when we got it. I'm just worried about my two pigs that I keep in my room since it's getting close to the time when we put the A/Cs in...

If the cage is near a vent where it's directly hit this could cause issues. It could create or worsen respiratory problems. Be sure to give it plenty of vitamin c and use a good quality bedding, preferably carefresh or softsorbent. Stay away from cedar and corn cob at all costs. Just place the cage furthest away from the vents as possible and all should go well

Make sure its not too cold in the room, and A/Cs dry out air loads which can effect respitary problems - try opening the window as often as you can for fresh air rather than havin ac on all the time.

Also are you letting your guinea pigs outside on the grass too sometimes? Cos they cant just be kept inside in a cage the whole time.

guinea pigs are from a very warm climate, and don't do well with chilly atmospheres. could you put them on the front or back porch throughout the day?

As long as its not blowing directly on them within a close proximity and isn't literally freezing cold.... they'll be fine.

it's possible your AC is dusty/blowing dirty air. other than that, i'd think you'd be fine.

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