Dog and Cat

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

If the blue nose is mixed with a red nose does it still have red in her if she is a blue nose puppy?

mother is a red nose gator and her dad is a blue machinegun kelly . she came out brindle blue and red with a blue nose . does she still have red in her. they say a blue ahs a lesser drive than a rednose is that correct.if so. can my blue have a rednose drive since her mother was a red nose ?
Your questions are pretty idiotic.

Color is color,nothing more.The color of the dog(s) are based on the genetics of previous dogs in that line.Breeding one color to another does nothing,means nothing.Any of the pups produced will be whatever color the genes dictate.

Most blue dogs called American Pit Bull Terriers or Pit Bulls are in fact American Bullies.A mixed breed,developed as a companion animal.The creators wanted the looks and name of the Pit Bull,the blue color and lesser drive of the AmStaff...which was the original mix.There has since been bulldog and/or mastiff added to most lines of American Bully,to alter size and/or add extreme features.


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Cat and Dog